About Us

Finest Gift Shop in the Local Area

Are you looking to treat yourself to a nice gift? Maybe someone’s birthday is fast approaching and you’re at your wits’ end trying to figure out what to buy them. In either case, you should head on over to Glenn'S Gifts, located in the local area, as we have a whole range of gift items that are perfect for any type of occasion. If you would like more information about the products that we stock at our store, please feel free to contact us through our booking form.

Our Expertise & Staff

To help us achieve the maximum customer satisfaction that we are always after, we are picky when it comes down to hiring people to work for us. We will only hire those who have experience as sales advisors and who know more than a thing or two about customer care. Therefore, if you ever need assistance when you are visiting our store, please locate a member of our team and ask them for help – they will always be happy to help you find that perfect gift.


Custom Orders
24/7 availability
Accept Debit/Credit Cards/Pay Pal
Free Custom order planning
Debit & Credit Cards accepted